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Chicago news cooperative: past lives wrapped in mystery, present ones in limbo

As nibbled breitschultrigen Stefan Stec on a fig Newton and STRAS from a suburban nursing home window stared on Wednesday, I could imagine how he spent his lucky Chicago days.

He came as a boy and virile working class man from Poland in design worked and fell in love with a local Mädchen.Sie movies every Friday night and folk dance lived together on the northwest side and then married, on Saturday.

Went along the lake shore and White Sox games and summer concerts attended the Park.Er Fannie Mae would gehockt.Sie chocolate underneath your pillow Valentine's day would rent a car and autumn spend weekends in the southern Wisconsin.

Or maybe you did not it.

Maybe none of this is true because Mr Stec is Renaissance hillside just because we know little about him.

By court order he is in healthcare one of the 20 districts by the Office of the public guardian, limbo sind.Ihre personal stories are fragments.You have no insurance and no family or native country who are willing to take you back.

Mr Stec, 67, a traumatic has the other brain injury, dementia and Depression.Wie is an illegal immigrant who otherwise cannot be identified he either or. This means that you are not authorized Medicaid or Medicare.

Perhaps were accident or a battle at one or was mentally ill and wrapped up in a hospital or a psychiatric department.Her family can whereabouts unclear or without success if family members who want nothing to do with the patient - especially given the burden you.

There is a developmentally disabled man who is a group home by Witek DOE in Skokie.The State thinks he's an illegal immigrant from Eastern Europe.

Sanane is read mental health center with psychiatric Problemen.Er claims different identities and social security numbers.He has a police record and says he from California.

Juan Ramirez has a brain injury and is in a persistent vegetative state non-profit Schwab rehabilitation hospital.He is an illegal immigrants with a history of arrests and officials believe, a family in Mexico coming forward.

On Friday Mr Ramírez at Schwab 745 with Schwab will eat the cost of approximately $250,000 for days."If you were documented, would not be here,", said Michelle Gittler, a Schwab physician.But more appropriate facilities take him because he has no insurance.

Zhen Ming Chen is an illegal Chinese immigrants and former restaurant workers, after a car accident was a quadriplegic links.It is located in the same hillside home with a woman in China and nieces and nephew here who oppose all guardianship unconscious.

"" Many of these people overstayed their visa and have been below the radar screen, fly ", said Helen Godlewski brownfield Office program director of a legal guardian.""Clean houses, working in kitchens to do lawn and fall between the cracks."

You can not stay forever in a hospital, County Stroger hospital, challenge is the guardian another venue for you find you are stabilized.

Mr Stec wound up in the for profit was the Stroger Renaissance because Stroger contracted with the Heimat.Er after an accident unclear Ursprungs.Frau brownfield speaks Polish and extracted bits and pieces of his life.

He told her he here occurred 20 years, worked quotas jobs including dry masonry, and married an American, who was 15 years ago starb.Er remember where lebte.Frau brownfield independently learned that he had apparently abandoned a wife and three children live social housing in Poland in a bedroom.

As Mr Stec sat bent around a circle with 12 other activities room, Danny and the juniors' "at the hop" on radio gespielt.Herr Chen was a bullet in his bed below, always oxygen by his trachea.Nur moved easily his eyes offered as TV "I Love Lucy" and "America's next top model", a benumbed audience of two patients.

"He not react; he faces only" Tam said Tran Chavez, his diligent case worker and even an immigrant curiosity, namely a Vietnamese married to a Mexican or an Vexican as you jokes.

As we walked a nurse was, "I-30" and "B-13," then questions bingo players in the hallway delete your boards aufrufen.Herr Chen seemed oblivious to it all.

But maybe not.

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