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Study on electronic patient data safely settings panel

Is approximately 4 doctors, large group practice uses most electronic records system. In the majority of doctors for small offices, doctors provide most Americans patient illness and tracks, pen and paper and other issues.

Thousands Institute research 1999 in aggregate is life-threatening medical mistakes according to the report of the New England Journal of medicine recently North Carolina hospital in still all too common. Electronic records system itself attracts more and more computer errors, design flaws or failure of communication with patients to expose risk concerns.

For example, where the patient's electronic medical records disappeared or so wrong food and Drug Administration of patient files are stored. Incorrect entries sometimes drug allergies and blood pressure readings, agency says is provided.

These concerns a fresh look at the Institute of medicine, Committee run study came to patient safety and health information technology, and created a problem of the recommendations. 16 Member Panel on Tuesday in Washington for the first time meet has.

February, F D A... you had 260 received reports of malfunctions related health information technology "of the possibility of patient harm" to 44 contains six reported injuries and deaths reported 2008 and 2009, and is called. Malfunction their authority was reported primarily in the hospital.

May represent the tip of the iceberg because these reports are purely voluntary only, and Dr. Jeffrey Shuren, senior F... D... A... policies and enforcement official.

, Congress of show interest from Iowa, ranking, and Senate Finance Committee Republican party Senator Charles E. Grassley is to the health information industry Catherine Sebelius to was done to determine the Health Secretary, wrote the F D A..., the system checks the being was monitoring the patient safety concerns and what role, welfare, health information technology regulation to play are.

Proposed to consider the new safety requirements under the authority of the Agency to ensure the quality, such as Dr. Shuren F D A... regulator a set of safety, effectiveness, medical equipment, and software device.

"All the options to ensure the safety of the table to the" Dr. David Blumenthal, Obama administration National Coordinator of health information technology. Office Medical Institute Gail L. his the warden, gave the patient safety Panel, $ 989 k that Chief Executives rate in the health system President and Henry Ford Detroit.

Dr. Blumenthal Dr. Donald M / Berwick, Medicare and Medicaid administrators and Dr. Brent James, Intermountain Healthcare, Salt Lake City-based experts "agree to improve safety of care electronic health record" health information "

"The create, at any time to change the world risk at the same time," said Dr. Blumenthal, phone interview last weekend. We can implement to it, to realize the benefits of the safety of all, even if it is you want to see it, it is safe.

Institute of medicine "is ends if to ensure the safety regulations is an important part of this fabric we in all markets, the balance of regulation and innovation" and said

Was against the makers, system of long products Government regulations.

"Of by design agency, or any third party only after Shimo-subjects of policing are likely innovations suppression growth and development, now the Suppression of electronic medical records" and includes Charles Dvorak mentioned, Executive Vice President of epic and electronic record systems Permanente emperors and other large-scale medical and hospital group.

Recently avoided industry role and put it in the F... D... A..., statement for this article came in the healthcare information and management systems society, Washington industrial group, only ", on this complex issue of the Institute research and report back the future ask the medicine in the 12 months to the Government decision support that" said

Last month, one common way of protests in the American Medical Informatics Association "hold harmless" clause in many purchase contract unethical said. Clause usually allows the responsible for the manufacturers errors or misuse.

"We we said innovation, is worth more than safety and value of no" associated with Kenneth W., Goodman, said the Miami University bioethicist toward the Safety Advisory Group patients.

"We are in good data medical errors, not what the cause is" named Arthur A. Levin, new medicine Research Institute Committee members. -Mr. Levin, Director of New York, healthcare consumer Center 1999 report is, "in message that man," may 98, 000 preventable deaths, warned in hospitals each year were members of the Group of the Institute.

, Will be available may be electronic records is becoming without noticing the paper chart for more information about refers to the potential risk of the medical journal of New England last month's article, medical malpractice liability. Health care providers, a substantial initial costs and might quite the long-term benefits of uncertainty, Dr. Sandeep S / must weigh the risks to the Medical Center, New York University Langone Mangalmurti, physician, and his colleagues wrote.

"We probably about 2% of errors of prescription drugs, catch" Ross Koppel, Pennsylvania University sociologist and investigator RAND Corporation, Santa Monica, California, based on research organization "98% has got the error"

This article has been revised to reflect the following fix.

Correction: 12 / 15 / 2010

The previous version of this article is imprecisely Ross Koppel RAND Corporation quotes. In the prescription drug was approximately 2% of errors not all medical mistakes ??? said 2%.

View the original article here


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