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Bird is this... Whether we have it. And trained in one reason

No shortage of theory — Journal neuroscience & Biobehavioral evaluation in a recent article of describes many — is the lack of experimental evidence either of them is correct.

Dr. Adrian G. Guggisberg, lead author of the "passionate debate on the lack of experimental evidence accompanied by" is called.

Hippocrates yawning in the 4th century BC "of bad air," a RID, and proposed in the brain increase "good air",. This theory of widely held a modern view, reduce CO2 and increase the oxygen concentration in the blood can help you yawn is.

More people, if this were true wrote Dr. Guggisberg, when they exercise is yawning. sho-. Often suffer from lack of oxygen, yawning people's lungs, heart disease, and who better than more.

Researchers a healthy subjects, and published by high levels of carbon dioxide gas mixtures increase could lead to yawn. Actually the oxygen concentration of research, brain, one way or the other never indicates that change the yawn.

This means that the observation, it is recommended that the best ways to test blood oxygen levels not yawn, but rapid breathing.

No question will occur ago sleep most frequent yawning, and due to the subjective feeling of drowsiness increase yawn. Maintenance helps to do this, probably yawn to stay awake.

To observe the activity of the brain encephalography and researchers in human subjects you yawn and yawn, test this hypothesis. Generated evidence that increased vigilance of the central nervous system the brain EEG yawn.

Has been a reverse proposal some researchers — reducing the yawning awakening of we can go to sleep. Yawn and sleepy to occur together, experiment, shows a causal connection between the two.

Regulatory body heat of the purpose of the yawning?? researchers shows infectious yawns. (yawn inducing video) can increase and decrease warm Pack amount of cold packs, place the. In the experiment, said Dr. Guggisberg, controlled and other factors not — impossible to determine the influence of temperature nice warm Pack drowsiness and awakening, tends to increase the cold packs to increase.

Search isn't definite evidence of Dr. Guggisberg thermal regulation theory does not fit Andrew C. Gallup, research fellow at Princeton.

Said the rat with a rapid increase in the return yawn: yawn experiment brain temperature and low temperature. "The recommended the thermoregulatory function cannot be interpreted as a cause and effect, but the associated. ?

Dr. Gallup neuroscience publication of his position and summarizes the articles that are accepted in the same journal reviews Biobehavioral assessment, Dr. Guggisberg is displayed.

Another theory is that to equalize pressure in the middle ear in the air pressure outside the yawn. Function can be fulfilled by other technologies — chewing and swallowing — so there's no reason I think that the advantages of the evolution of yawning is essential. There is no evidence of the yawning increases and air pressure changes.

So the purpose of what is yawning serve?.

Children under 5 are not is contagious, adult humans, chimpanzees, monkey, dog yawn in — and animals advanced social skills — is. Understanding of the mental state of the other is required before will apparently pull the yawn.

Supported by observation of human M R I... ideas: activates the area of the brain yawning imitation, empathy and social phenomena on watching others.

One of Dr. Guggisberg consider all aspects of this social interpreting symptoms only appear in May. However, Dr. Gallup solitary species also yawn and just that and they noted between chimpanzee and human yawning.

Dr. Gallup yawning admitted that some of the social function of some species. He is "behavior of the underlying primitive more social features all the derived function it is not feature?"

Provided the conclusion that Dr. Guggisberg, Geneva University researchers find some undesirable expert. Yawn, he says, very rich, complex symptoms.

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