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Hawaii Never Confirmed Obama's Birth Document As Genuine

Despite the many fraudulent reports delivered by the MSM and left wing blogs, no one at the Hawaii Health Department has ever stated that the "Certification of Live Birth" presented by Obama and his staff and also pictured on Factcheck, is a genuine document, nor is it his "original Birth Certificate", as the White House press secretary Robert Gibbs has claim. ... Certification of Live Birth Hawaii health department birth certificate fraud liar Obama citizen natural born ...



TellerIP said...

What Hawaii confirmed twice was the FACTS on the birth certificate. The facts that they confirmed were that Obama was born in Hawaii and that he was born in 1961. Those facts have been confirmed twice by the officials of the Department of Health and the Department of Vital Records, and most recently by the governor of Hawaii, Linda Lingle, a Republican.

Also, there is a witness who recalls being told of Obama's birth in Hawaii in 1961 and writing home about the birth to a woman named Stanley to her father, also named Stanley (

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